bema ena ana t3abt weyakom...i've decided to let you guys choose what you want ;Pp
here's the deal:
i can either write one long post once a week
several little post (like the past 2) every day or every other day or something
fa entaw think about it oo vote either here or on the poll on the right ;)
or leave a comment...kaifkom ;)
oo inshallah the next part will be after the poll closes next week, and according to what you guys want =)
angel vs devil
7 years ago
first choice;)
First choice .. Bs it better be long dandoon! Etha it's short 7adech bten6agaaain;p
You have been warned!:o
LoooL whatever is more convenient to u... bs law ya3ne lawww we had the choice (a).. abi the long one eheheh 3ashan mo awal ma andemej it stops :p Thankk u;***
Several short ones ;)
but make each post as long as the previous 2 combined.
I'd like to be different from the rest of the comments and say the second one but then I'd be lying ;p
First choice, without a doubt.
P.s: the last two posts don't count since you abandoned us for so long, they were merely make-up posts (a)
long long long posts, even if we do wait a week, its worth it.. !
ok,... ma3anni complained about the short posts.. bs i'd rather it be short and daily than long and weekly
fiiirrst choice lakin ana mardy sheno long oo sheno short 3endich lazem ta36eena examles;D bss il short 3erafna:p
Long !
dam enhom athoch ana aqol sakray ilblog khalihom bidom qe9a lool
yamin sharalah min 7alalah 3ilah hehe
loooooooooooong post ;p
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL @Zonny hahahaha
enzain al7een eb nan6er sboo3 3ashan u post !!! wayed :@
i'd go for the long posts :P
met3awdeen enech tekhtefeen :P fa net7amal lesbo3 :P bs short parts et7er
Hmm long posts , bs like make them 2 or 3 long posts a week :D
I've missed uu , ur back :D ino back , back ... YAY ..
mwaaauh ;*
short ones :D
Umm.. Lottss of little posts ;D!
I say a long one! But I do hope they'll be consistent :p
Welcome back!
mo 3ala kaifhum :@ naby one long post! :@:@
i didn't know u updated this blog in august :s
loooooooong post per week a7laa
nice blog you have..
umm.. I guess I will choose several little posts per day
You've been tagged :D
dandoooon I miss you :(
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