Saturday, October 3

unsaid 1


Hala Sara, shlonech?

*shyaby hatha...tawny kint weyah bljam3a. i hate formalities...i wish he could just say alo flana aby blablabla*
Wallah tamam el7amdella, enta shlonk ?

Mashy el7al...

*whats with the silence...9ij shyaby hatha...he's still quiet...awkwaaaaaard...t7acha!! alooooo!*
Thats good to hear

Sarooona, bghait a6lb mnch 6alab

*saroona?! mn 9ija hatha? shfeeh m6aye7 elmyana khair?

erm...eb9ara7a ana shway metwaheg eb course elcalculus oo I was wondering if its okay if you can help me with it

*now things are making sense...sarooona hathy ma 6la3at ghair for the pruporse of ass-kissing*
ee sure...which lectures do you need help with?

Eb9ara7a, ana mo fahem wala kelma from the entire course...

*hala wallaaaaaaaaah*
Oh, I see

Look, I know ena its too much ena you help me with the entire course, bs ana adry enich tdreseen bl library sometimes...fa if I wont be intruding, I'd like to join you, oo etha twahagt eb shay, I can ask you oo akhaleech tkamleen derastch , fahmatny?

*ya7laila he already has a plan, I dont even have to think of anything...oo chenna its not so bad either?? Yes?? No??*
Sounds good to me

Bas akeed mara7 a2atheech this way?

*ofcourse you will!! I enjoy my solitude! why do people ask rhetorical questions? I wonder how he'll react if I say ee*
Ofcourse not, eshda3wa 3laik! Dont worry about it!

Great! 3ayal meta ma btro7en, let me know. Oo etha tgdreen a little bit before that, ya3ny not spot on 3shan azaheb 3umry I'd really appreciate that

*6arar oo mshar6 el2akh?*
Inshallah dear...will do

Khalas 3ayal, akhaleech al7en...have a good night

*elnas ygoloon thanks ya 7mar* too

this is something i've been contemplating for a while...
maybe it'll be something and maybe not, but i like the diversity it will give me and i seem to be getting lots of inspiration for it...
what do u think? i could alternate posts between this and contrasting realities for diversity's sake ;)


Anony said...

again za3lana o ma akalmech

Yooy said...

it sounds, interesting. XD
i think you should go for it, and alternate posts between this one and contrasting realities FOR SURE.

Anony said...

is this a new story !! haaw! khal agra magarete :P bs estaw3ab ena mo nafs el qesa

doona said...

we'll see how that goes ;)

doona said...

what did i do? :(
9ij ena ive disappeared off the face of the universe noo 9ayra kilish mo khosh wa7da....but what did i do? :(

doona said...

mashro3 story ydeeda...tell me what you think ;)

Anony said...

u'll post 2 stories??

hmmmm .. i dont think i like it .. posting 2 stories :\

yeah thats what u did !! NOTHING !!

ur cakes o roses mara7 yfedoon :@

Anony said...

i like the story .. bs i dont like the fact that u're posting 2 at the same time ..

doona tara shoofech @@ ashoofech you comment here and there wala etzoreeni wala tes'eleen 3ani :(

allah kareem

lena allaaah

neseteeni ashoof :(

*walks away with teary eyes*

doona said...

wallah ma kint adesh ela every now and then...fa watever that was updated blcham mara eli yen3adon 3al a9abe3 ohwa eli geraita...i didnt read everything wallah =\

oo 7abeeby shlon ansach ya3ny? cham anony 3ndy? ehya wa7da oo myanenatny tkhaleny afer bl blogs adawerha oo arkuth waraha ;**

i miss you wallah :)

doona said...

oo i like this story cz i can make short posts, which will make it easier for me to post lma ma ykon feeny shada akteb wayed for the other one...

oo somehow lots of things seem to be happening lately that relate to it =)

bs etha ma tabeen, i wont write it...

my anony gets to decide ;**

Anony said...

im not buying it

ashoofech doona ashoofech @@

again not buying it

doona said...

ee adry...

tshofeny blcham mara eli anaq dashait fehom oo elcham post eli gerait'hom =\

bs wallah i wasnt being my regular blogger...kanat mu8ta6afat =\

bs kint agra watever pops jedamy, i wasnt checking :(

me iz thorry =(

Anony said...


hmmm etha shorts posts every now and then yemken ..

bs madre a7es etha 2 at the same time malaqa ..

its up to u ana mali sheghel al7een yaglebon 3ali ana mo naqsa :O

Anony said...

this is nice .. simple .. malat hayoona gamat etseer wayed drama

anyways i must sleep

loved having u back ;*

bs still za3lana :P

doona said...

laa maly shughul you have to decide!!

yala bser3a! ;Pp

doona said...

khala9 7beeby off you go ;**

wishing you the sweetest dreams and the best of luck tomorrow ;**

oo ra7 aratheech soon 9adgeeny ;)

t9b7en 3la khair ;**

ps: i miss you wwwwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeedddd!!

love ;** said...

I'm always up for anything you write o if you are feeling inspired I say go for it ;**

Nawarii said...

aham shai u post and this sounds great bas plssssssss continue the first one

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying the inclusion of her thoughts. lol. Walla inha shay. xD

I say go for it. Whichever eray7ich. :)


zuz said...

A7eb hayoona akthar ;p o I demand more posts!! I miss m7ammad *sniff* :( and I miss u ;** welx bak!!

F;* said...

i say go for it :D ,, but dont forget about the other stories , u know ?

Butterfly Chick said...

Sounds interesting..

I say go for out..

Standy said...

LOOL... me likey...
a7la shay the thoughts lool..

please go for it!

p.s enti sub7an allah, the moment you start college el insperation hits lool =p

Rawan said...

do both stories please....

Journal Entries said...

i know anything u'll write ra7 ekoon 3ajeeb.. bs i'd rather u finish haya's story 1st b3dain start posting the new one..

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOL:P fi9alt 3ala the last sentence!! you should go for it! im loving the story min now :p

No3iK said...

arabs are all for formalities o mojamalat ..

to me mojamalat - e6walaa!!!

bs yallah little bit of spice here and there is harmless to the language ..
i started to appreciate it more after moving to LA! like after al 9alon magdr agol (yin3am b7alich or ma7ad egoli na3eman!) lol
o couple of times ppl cooke me something o widi agol tislam eedich bs mako!! nothing in the english language t9adgeeen! a7is madre shlon .

anyways abaih 7addi garagt 3la rasich good post :p had me thingking thats all ..

best of luck babes and missed u blog!

Anonymous said...

Shaklha nice the story bs 3ashan e7na la nthee3 o entay ma tetwahegain finish the first one first and then start this..
I love ur stories plz continue :***

Candy said...

i always forget that u hv another blog, i missed many posts =S and no one bothered 2 tell me , i guess because i didn't add the follower thinge..><"

7eeeeelo!!kamlee plz bas don't forget abt haya story =D

Anonymous said...

theres a new blog called

check it out!!!! you wont regret it TRUSTT ME!!
oo it would be great if you told your followers about it!!


Swera said...

loool . . . the funniest converstation ever :DDD

Khalid said...

u know ilyoom ga3d akalem wa7da with me bel jam3a 3lshan etfahemnii el calculus walla!!!!!
ayshy wana ga3d agrah 3lbalii ennah ehya u b3dain estaw3abe el taree5 !
bas laykon malha 5olg o galatlii ok :S 5aleetenii ashek walla!

Anonymous said...

yalllllllllllla we want our storyyyyy:( please please post anything inshallah 1 sentence just please poooossttttt!!!!!!